The World Is Yours
Words written for brands.
The world is yours.
Understand how important that is.
Understand the power you have.
The secret is that your life can be whatever you want it to be.
Once you own it, once you take responsibility for it, it means you are free to control it.
The moment you assume total ownership is the moment you can take on the world.
That means no more waiting for approvals, permissions, or blessings.
No more tolerating misery or the mundane.
It is time to assert your will, to chase the extraordinary.
Dare to do what you love.
Dare to put your happiness first.
Dare to do that which brings your life to life.
Carve out the niche, create the business, become the boss and witness a world acquiesce.
To own a business is to own your future, so whether entrepreneur, freelancer, founder, hustler or creator - just BEGIN.
For your time is now.
For the world is yours!